Steam autoclave exposure test (4.5.15)
Infrared spectrum analysis test (4.5.24)
c. Test material. In addition, the following material shall be submitted to the qualifying
(1) A sample from the qualification test bun(s) or adjacent bun: Size 20 inches x 20
inches x the bun thickness.
(2) Unused retention samples (6 inches x 6 inches x 6 inches) near the bottom,
middle, and top of the porosity range and corresponding porosity (air pressure drop) specimens
which have been air pressure drop tested.
(3) Sufficient material (approximately four buns of Grade I or two buns of Grade II)
for the flame arrestor tests specified in 4.5.18.
Corrosion and adhesion metal test specimens (see 4.5.19).
d. Other data. The manufacturer shall include, as a part of the report, any information
defined in 6.3 that may not have been available at the time of the submittal of the letter of
request for testing. Also, any applicable data or information that may relate to the qualification
testing or future procurements of the material shall be included. Information referenced in 3.2.1,
4.3.3 Qualification approval.
Qualification test reports shall be signed or approved by a responsible representative of the
4.3.4 Qualification tests.
The qualification tests shall consist of all applicable tests described under 4.5.
4.4 Conformance inspections.
Conformance inspections shall consist of the following tests:
Production tests (4.4.1)
Lot tests (4.4.2)
Process control tests (4.4.3)
Examination of product (4.5.1)
4.4.1 Production tests.
Production tests shall be conducted on each run of material (see 6.3.1) produced in accordance
with the following schedule:
a. All furnished buns of material shall be visually inspected for examination of product
per 4.5.1.
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business